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Articles by author Abdurrahman Shkodra

  Short report

Organizing Manage of International Half Marathon “Run for Peace and Tolerance”

Arijana Lllagjevic-Govori1, Enver Tahiraj2, Dardan Llagjaj3, Fatlum Grajqevci4, Abdurrahman Shkodra5

1Hight school “Prenk Jakova”, Prishtina, Kosovo
2Universi Prishtina, Sports College, Prishtina, Kosovo
3Hight school “Hoxhe Kadri”, Prishtina, Kosovo
4Ministry of Sports, Sports Department, Prishtina, Kosovo
5Athletics Federation of Kosovo, Prishtina, Kosovo

Sport Mont 2019, 17( 1), 97-100

DOI: 10.26773/smj.190219

Abstract | Article (PDF – 227KB) | References