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Articles by author Dusan Peric

  Original scientific paper

Effects of Experimental Volleyball Rules Quantified by Type and Number of Jumps, Hits and Contacts

Mladen Stankovic1, Dusan Peric2, Guillermo Ruíz-Llamas3, Miriam E. Quiroga-Escudero3

1University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Department of Educational Sciences, Las Palmas, Spain
2Educons University, Faculty of Sport and Tourism, Novi Sad, Serbia
3University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Department of Physical Education, Las Palmas, Spain

Sport Mont 2017, 15( 3), 9-16

DOI: 10.26773/smj.2017.10.002

Abstract | Article (PDF – 298KB) | References